AEDHeartPro is pleased to offer special pricing for:






Fire & EMS

Senior Citizens

Children at risk

Medical Professionals

Law Enforcement



What is AedHeartPro?

AED Program Management

An AED (Automated External Defibrillator) requires ongoing maintenance and management. Whether your AED program consists of one AED at home or office, or thousands of AEDs deployed globally, AedHeartPro is the tool you need to ensure your AED is ready when you need it.

*Free and exclusive to all AedHeartPro customers

Features Include:
How much does it cost?

This service is absolutely FREE and Exclusive to all customers.

After purchasing an AED, AED batteries or AED pads from you can stay up to date on all equipment expirations as well as other critical information in one of the following two ways.You can do nothing and the automated system will begin sending monthly e-minders to the email address you provided at the time of purchase. These e-minders will prompt you to check the status of your AED using a simple check list as well as alert you to any regulatory issues that may arise.

*Free and exclusive to all AedHeartPro customers

You can register for and customize your AED management program. Here you will be able to add and track the expiration dates of as many AEDs, AED batteries, AED pads and related equipment as you need. You will be able to organize your AED program by equipment, location and personnel. You will also be able to track and be notified as to CPR certification expirations for as many persons as needed.
We built these AED management programs to help ensure your AED is ready when it is needed most. Please choose the program that is right for you.

Thank you for being aedheartpro!